Raghav Scribbles
Thursday, December 26, 2013
ரசித்த (வருத்திய) சிறுகதைகள் பற்றி
என் நண்பனுக்கு பரிசாக கொடுக்க நினைத்த புத்தகம் இல்லாததால், வெறும் கைய்யோடு திரும்பாமல், நான் படிக்க சுஜாதா வின் தேர்ந்தெடுத்த சிறு கதைகள் முதல் தொகுதி என்ற புத்தகத்தை நான் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தேன். தமிழ் இலக்கியத்திலோ, இல்லை எந்த இலக்கியத்திலோ ஈடுபாடு இல்லாத நான், ஓர் இரண்டு தமிழ் நாவல்களையே படித்த நான், மிக எச்சரிக்கையாக மீண்டும் சுஜாதாவையே படிப்போம் என்று முடிவு செய்து எடுத்த புத்தகம் இது.
அட்டையில் சுஜாதா இளமையாக தெரிந்தார். Hair Style மட்டும் இந்தியன் தாத்தா வை நினைவுபடுத்தியது. இயக்குனர் சங்கருக்கும் இவருக்கும் இருந்த உறவு எனக்கு நினைவுக்கு வந்தது.
மொத்தம் 50 இல் சுமார் 40 சிறு கதைகளை படித்து முடித்திருப்பேன். அதில் குறைந்தது 35 கதைகளில் 'வறுமை' கதை கருவாக மேலோங்கி தாக்குகிறது, சுஜாதா போன்ற அறிவியல் தெரிந்த எழுத்தாளர், தன் வாழ்வில் வறுமையை எதிர்கொள்ளாத எழுத்தாளர், இவ்வளவு சுலபமாக வறுமையை கையாண்டு இருக்கிறாரே என்று வியப்பாக இருந்தாலும், மற்றொரு பக்கம் வலித்தது. இந்தியாவில் இவ்வளவு வறுமையா? அறியாமையா? பகுத்தறிவதில் இவ்வளவு பின் தங்கி இருந்தோமா, இன்னும் இருக்கின்றோமா என்ற எரிச்சல் சேர்ந்த அச்சம்.
சார் உங்களுக்கு வேற எப்படியும் எழுத தெரியாதா என்று அடிக்கடி கேட்க உறுத்திய கதைகள். ஒரு சில சமயம் அடுத்த கதையை தொடராமல் கோவத்தில் மூடிய கதைகள். அட அவரு சொல்றதும் சரிதானே, இருக்க தானே செய்யுது என்று நினைக்க தூண்டிய கதைகள். கதைகளின் தலைப்போ, கதாபாத்திரங்களின் பெயர்களோ நினைவில் இல்லாத போதும், கதை மட்டும் என்னை வருத்திய கதைகள். கொலையுதிர் காலம் என்ற நாவலில் வெறும் பணக்காரர்களை படித்த எனக்கு சுஜாதா பற்றிய என் எண்ணங்களை மாற்றிய கதைகள். எந்த எழுத்தாளனையும் வகைப்படுத்த கூடாது என்று உணர்த்திய கதைகள். ஒரு சில சாதரணமான கதைகள், ஒரு சில அல்ப்ப கதைகள், அதை அவரே மற்றொரு கதையில் வேறு ஒரு கதா பாத்திரத்தின் வழியாக கூறியுள்ளார். உண்மை தான். காமமும் மோகமும் சிறிது எட்டி பார்த்த கதைகள், அதிலும் வறுமையும், ஏமாற்றமும் நிறைந்திருந்த கதைகள். எழுத்தாளரே கதாபாத்திரமாக இருந்த கதைகள்.
அடுத்த 10 கதைகள் பெரிதாக வேறுபடும் என்ற நம்பிக்கை சிறிதும் இல்லை. இருந்தும் மனம் கவரும் என்ற நம்பிக்கையுடன் இதோ படிக்க தொடர்கிறேன்...காந்தி நமக்கு கொடுத்த விடுமுறை நாளில்....
பின்குறிப்பு : நகரம், ரேணுகா, எல்டொராடோ, தீவுகள் கரையேறுகின்றன போன்ற கதைகள் என்னை வருத்தியும் மனம் கவர்ந்த கதைகள்.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Tamil Cinema's Music and Women's loyalty in Love :P
Blogging about Cinema again, may be a child topic 'Music' in Tamizh Cinema.
Couple of weeks ago, My cousin Karthic had commented about the songs that he listened lately from Maalai Pozhudhin Mayakathiley and OKOK. He did mention that he started disliking songs that portray girls are cheaters. Yes, it is about "வேணாம் மச்சான் வேணாம் பொண்ணுங்க காதலு" song from OKOK.
I am not sure if anyone replied or LIKE'ed that status yet. I din really try to scrutinize until I read "Its becoming a stereotype genre" in the same status update. I was unsure if he was right or not. So I wanted to recollect songs that I listened from my childhood to till date, with a filter of this Genre. ;) Lets call the Genre "Soup Songs" as Dhanush and the crew call it. :P
In my opinion, I thought these SOUP songs had a COME BACK with a bang when youngsters like Dhanush, Simbu depicted their love failures. I mean in movies. :P. But the soup songs were not invented by any of these youngsters. They are there in Tamizh Cinemas for long time.
P.S I might not quote the songs in the same order they were released. And they are not the best of the SOUP Songs. :P They are just the ones that came to my mind this morning. ;)
#1: The first song that comes to my mind is from the movie "ஆண் பாவம்" -Directed by PandiArajan (Not the Pasanga fame PandIrajan).
"காதல் கசக்குதையா.. வர வர காதல் கசக்குதையா...
மன்மதன் Love love நு அடிக்கும்,
லபோன்னு தான் துடிக்கும்,
தோத்து போனா குடிக்கும்,
பைத்தியம் தான் புடிக்கும்...."
The catchy lines from the songs are at the end.
" நம்ம தகப்பன் பேச்சை தாயின் பேச்சை மதிக்கணும்
நீயாக பெண் தேட கூடாது எனக்கு இந்த காதல் கசக்குதையா... "
Dont you think there is a resemblance with OK OK lyrics:
"Mummy சொன்ன பொண்ண கட்டினா torture இல்ல டா
நீயும் டாவடிச்ச பொண்ண கட்டினா trowser அவுழும் டா..."
#2: Those days the SOUP songs did come with sad tunes as well, unlike the one above, next one is very sad and had a deep meaning to the lyrics. Very very ஆழம் :P The song is from the movie "முதல் வசந்தம்". In the video we will see our character Artist Chandrashekar. :P
"ஆறும் அது ஆழம் இல்ல...
அது சேரும் கடலும் ஆழம் இல்ல...
ஆழம் எது ஐயா?
அந்த பொம்பளை மனசு தான் யா..."
The best for me from this song is:
"கண்ணுக்குள்ள மின்னும் மய்யி,
உள்ளுக்குள்ள எல்லாம் பொய்யி..." Ha ha. There aren't better lines in this song that could make us laugh in a sad song. ;)
#3: I am not sure from which movie this song is from. The song in which Janakaraj sings the following: :P. But the whole song is not about Women cheating Men. It is a general love failure song I guess. Dont remember any other lines too.
"காதல் என்பது....பொது உடமை...
கஷ்டம் மட்டும் தானே தனி உடமை ..." The music is by our Maestro. The Music Director Ilayaraja. Totally love the music.
#4: The next could be the funniest of all. Music is by our own music genius TR and written by??? சொல்லவா வேனும்? Our own TR. Movie is "மைதிலி என்னை காதலி" Everything by our Rock Star TR. ;)
The song starts with the bang, hits the nail. And its like:
"அட பொன்னான மனசே பூவான மனசே
வெக்காத பொண்ணு மேல ஆச .. நீ வெக்காத பொண்ணு மேல ஆச."
The best lines of all the best soup songs are as follows and please dont miss them. Read it twice to have all the fun:
"சமச்சி வச்ச மீன் கொழம்ப
நீ சலிக்காத தின்ன போதே
தாலி கட்ட துடிச்சிருப்ப
நீ தாரமாக்க நெனச்சிருப்ப
(அட கர்மமே ... இதுக்காடா ஆசை படறீங்க ??? SMS ல வர dialogue தான் ஞாபகம் வருது. "Figure ah Piece ah)
அன்று கைய்ய தான கழுவு என்றா ...
இன்று காதல் இல்லை அழுவு என்றா ..."
What a man? Jokes apart, he is really a music genius. One must listen to all his composition before making fun of his songs. He is really a music genius.
#5: Well, I have been slowly deviating and show casing only sad versions of Soup Songs. To chill out and get rid of from the sad versions, here comes a little latest song from the movie உன்னை நினைத்து Directed by All good Vikraman. :P I always thought if he ever had a production house he will name it as "ALL GOOD Films" like RB Choundary's SuperGood Films. That does not mean all movies of Vikraman's are Good. Certainly not. Not at all. All the characters in his movies will be too good and sweet. If at all there was a bad one, the climax scene will change that bad one to good one with the Movie's theme RR. Well, enough of praising Vikraman. Here comes the happy happy Soup Song:
Almost all the lines have to mentioned here. It starts like this:
பொம்பளைங்க காதல தான் நம்பிவிடாதே நம்பிவிடாதே ...
நம்பியதால் நொந்து மனம் வெம்பி விடாதே...
And the real punch lines are:
பெண்ணாலே பைத்தியமாய் ஆனவன் உண்டு
இங்கு ஆண்களாலே பைத்தியமாய் ஆனவள் உண்டா?
பெண்ணாலே காவி கட்டி அலைந்தவன் உண்டு
இங்கு ஆண்களாலே காவி கட்டி அலைந்தவள் உண்டா?
பெண்ணுக்கு தாஜ்மஹால் கட்டி வச்சான் டா
எவளாச்சும் ஒரு செங்கல் நட்டு வச்சாளா ??? (என்ன ஒரு Punch. One must watch the video when Sundarrajan says ஒரு செங்கல்)
பெண்களெல்லாம் பரிட்சையிலே முதலிடம் தாங்க
நம்ம பசங்கள தான் எங்க அவுங்க படிக்க விட்டாங்க ???
There are many such Soup Songs from Tamizh Cinema. I am too lazy to recollect few more favorite songs of mine and post them here. All I wanted to say in that status update of my cousin was " These things are not new.".
We never come to a conclusion in "What we see in movies are what we do or what we do in real life are what shown in movies". Thamizh Cinemas have always been doing this and as the industry is always dominated by a bunch of males, the output will always be like this. All ladies who read this blog would agree to this. But hey ladies, Am I really correct? "Why this Kolaveri di?" is a song from the movie '3' directed by Aishwarya Dhanush. This was the sensational hit a couple of months ago. Lets not talk about the movie now. :P The reason is definitely not because the industry is dominated by Men. The real reason that I think of is, the so called chauvinists give what actually is sold in market. They know the pulse of audience. That's the trick here. See ya all later.
Couple of weeks ago, My cousin Karthic had commented about the songs that he listened lately from Maalai Pozhudhin Mayakathiley and OKOK. He did mention that he started disliking songs that portray girls are cheaters. Yes, it is about "வேணாம் மச்சான் வேணாம் பொண்ணுங்க காதலு" song from OKOK.
I am not sure if anyone replied or LIKE'ed that status yet. I din really try to scrutinize until I read "Its becoming a stereotype genre" in the same status update. I was unsure if he was right or not. So I wanted to recollect songs that I listened from my childhood to till date, with a filter of this Genre. ;) Lets call the Genre "Soup Songs" as Dhanush and the crew call it. :P
In my opinion, I thought these SOUP songs had a COME BACK with a bang when youngsters like Dhanush, Simbu depicted their love failures. I mean in movies. :P. But the soup songs were not invented by any of these youngsters. They are there in Tamizh Cinemas for long time.
P.S I might not quote the songs in the same order they were released. And they are not the best of the SOUP Songs. :P They are just the ones that came to my mind this morning. ;)
#1: The first song that comes to my mind is from the movie "ஆண் பாவம்" -Directed by PandiArajan (Not the Pasanga fame PandIrajan).
"காதல் கசக்குதையா.. வர வர காதல் கசக்குதையா...
மன்மதன் Love love நு அடிக்கும்,
லபோன்னு தான் துடிக்கும்,
தோத்து போனா குடிக்கும்,
பைத்தியம் தான் புடிக்கும்...."
The catchy lines from the songs are at the end.
" நம்ம தகப்பன் பேச்சை தாயின் பேச்சை மதிக்கணும்
நீயாக பெண் தேட கூடாது எனக்கு இந்த காதல் கசக்குதையா... "
Dont you think there is a resemblance with OK OK lyrics:
"Mummy சொன்ன பொண்ண கட்டினா torture இல்ல டா
நீயும் டாவடிச்ச பொண்ண கட்டினா trowser அவுழும் டா..."
#2: Those days the SOUP songs did come with sad tunes as well, unlike the one above, next one is very sad and had a deep meaning to the lyrics. Very very ஆழம் :P The song is from the movie "முதல் வசந்தம்". In the video we will see our character Artist Chandrashekar. :P
"ஆறும் அது ஆழம் இல்ல...
அது சேரும் கடலும் ஆழம் இல்ல...
ஆழம் எது ஐயா?
அந்த பொம்பளை மனசு தான் யா..."
The best for me from this song is:
"கண்ணுக்குள்ள மின்னும் மய்யி,
உள்ளுக்குள்ள எல்லாம் பொய்யி..." Ha ha. There aren't better lines in this song that could make us laugh in a sad song. ;)
#3: I am not sure from which movie this song is from. The song in which Janakaraj sings the following: :P. But the whole song is not about Women cheating Men. It is a general love failure song I guess. Dont remember any other lines too.
"காதல் என்பது....பொது உடமை...
கஷ்டம் மட்டும் தானே தனி உடமை ..." The music is by our Maestro. The Music Director Ilayaraja. Totally love the music.
#4: The next could be the funniest of all. Music is by our own music genius TR and written by??? சொல்லவா வேனும்? Our own TR. Movie is "மைதிலி என்னை காதலி" Everything by our Rock Star TR. ;)
The song starts with the bang, hits the nail. And its like:
"அட பொன்னான மனசே பூவான மனசே
வெக்காத பொண்ணு மேல ஆச .. நீ வெக்காத பொண்ணு மேல ஆச."
The best lines of all the best soup songs are as follows and please dont miss them. Read it twice to have all the fun:
"சமச்சி வச்ச மீன் கொழம்ப
நீ சலிக்காத தின்ன போதே
தாலி கட்ட துடிச்சிருப்ப
நீ தாரமாக்க நெனச்சிருப்ப
(அட கர்மமே ... இதுக்காடா ஆசை படறீங்க ??? SMS ல வர dialogue தான் ஞாபகம் வருது. "Figure ah Piece ah)
அன்று கைய்ய தான கழுவு என்றா ...
இன்று காதல் இல்லை அழுவு என்றா ..."
What a man? Jokes apart, he is really a music genius. One must listen to all his composition before making fun of his songs. He is really a music genius.
#5: Well, I have been slowly deviating and show casing only sad versions of Soup Songs. To chill out and get rid of from the sad versions, here comes a little latest song from the movie உன்னை நினைத்து Directed by All good Vikraman. :P I always thought if he ever had a production house he will name it as "ALL GOOD Films" like RB Choundary's SuperGood Films. That does not mean all movies of Vikraman's are Good. Certainly not. Not at all. All the characters in his movies will be too good and sweet. If at all there was a bad one, the climax scene will change that bad one to good one with the Movie's theme RR. Well, enough of praising Vikraman. Here comes the happy happy Soup Song:
Almost all the lines have to mentioned here. It starts like this:
பொம்பளைங்க காதல தான் நம்பிவிடாதே நம்பிவிடாதே ...
நம்பியதால் நொந்து மனம் வெம்பி விடாதே...
And the real punch lines are:
பெண்ணாலே பைத்தியமாய் ஆனவன் உண்டு
இங்கு ஆண்களாலே பைத்தியமாய் ஆனவள் உண்டா?
பெண்ணாலே காவி கட்டி அலைந்தவன் உண்டு
இங்கு ஆண்களாலே காவி கட்டி அலைந்தவள் உண்டா?
பெண்ணுக்கு தாஜ்மஹால் கட்டி வச்சான் டா
எவளாச்சும் ஒரு செங்கல் நட்டு வச்சாளா ??? (என்ன ஒரு Punch. One must watch the video when Sundarrajan says ஒரு செங்கல்)
பெண்களெல்லாம் பரிட்சையிலே முதலிடம் தாங்க
நம்ம பசங்கள தான் எங்க அவுங்க படிக்க விட்டாங்க ???
There are many such Soup Songs from Tamizh Cinema. I am too lazy to recollect few more favorite songs of mine and post them here. All I wanted to say in that status update of my cousin was " These things are not new.".
We never come to a conclusion in "What we see in movies are what we do or what we do in real life are what shown in movies". Thamizh Cinemas have always been doing this and as the industry is always dominated by a bunch of males, the output will always be like this. All ladies who read this blog would agree to this. But hey ladies, Am I really correct? "Why this Kolaveri di?" is a song from the movie '3' directed by Aishwarya Dhanush. This was the sensational hit a couple of months ago. Lets not talk about the movie now. :P The reason is definitely not because the industry is dominated by Men. The real reason that I think of is, the so called chauvinists give what actually is sold in market. They know the pulse of audience. That's the trick here. See ya all later.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Man + Madan + Ambu
Firstly, I wanted to blog about Endhiran. But then I decided otherwise, as it would bring in a lot of arguments. But then I read an article/blog from a tamil writer Chaaru Niveditha. He was bashing from line one to the last, which I thought was not at all fair. Again, there is a huge concept of freedom of speech or opinion. I have no rights to stop him saying things that are not fair. I would write a blog in Thamizh very soon and it will be mostly about his blog and not just about Endhiran. :)
And now I would go on dragging about Man+Madan+Ambu. I use the word dragging because many people felt that the movie was dragging. :P But I was totally comfortable throughout the movie.
The movie should not be compared with Kamal's earlier comedy movies like Pancha Thanthiram, MBBS, PKS or Dasavatharam. Neither it should be compared with a movie like Anbe Sivam. This movie is totally a light hearted romantic movie, where there are few subtle comedy moments. But then, I got to admit that the romance part was not convincing and it has nothing to do with the age difference between Kamal and Trisha. As Kamal, portrays as Major R. Mannar a widower, a retired Army and Trisha as Nisha aka Ambujashini who is a tamil cinema actress. This clearly shows the age difference and the writer was not trying to show Kamal as a youngster or at least did not want to show as young as Trisha.
Madavan was at his best. He had the opportunity to be the best performer in this movie and he grabbed it rightly. One must watch and enjoy his acting rather being described in a blog.
Usually we would feel the dominance of Kamal in almost every thing that he do. But he was very subtle and Madhavan impresses a lot than any one else in this movie. It was a fun movie with a very strong message about TRUST in a Relationship.
Except that the blossom of love between Kamal and Trisha was not so clear, screen play was at its best. Many complained that screen play was wobbling in the climax scenes. I did not feel any bit of wobble in the screen play. In fact, it is really a very difficult screenplay, which was very well directed.
Songs were rightly placed and was there an only dissapointment that Kamal's Kavidhai was taken off. Screen Play sucked only at that time and Kamal had no other choice I reckon.
To me the best dialogue I have ever heard recently is when Kamal relates his War and the accident that his family and Trisha's is involved. I liked it very much. It was so simple unlike Kamal's usual philosophical/sarcastic dialogues. :P There were many sarcastic dialogus as well. Come on, his fans are never disappointed. :)
And now I would go on dragging about Man+Madan+Ambu. I use the word dragging because many people felt that the movie was dragging. :P But I was totally comfortable throughout the movie.
The movie should not be compared with Kamal's earlier comedy movies like Pancha Thanthiram, MBBS, PKS or Dasavatharam. Neither it should be compared with a movie like Anbe Sivam. This movie is totally a light hearted romantic movie, where there are few subtle comedy moments. But then, I got to admit that the romance part was not convincing and it has nothing to do with the age difference between Kamal and Trisha. As Kamal, portrays as Major R. Mannar a widower, a retired Army and Trisha as Nisha aka Ambujashini who is a tamil cinema actress. This clearly shows the age difference and the writer was not trying to show Kamal as a youngster or at least did not want to show as young as Trisha.
Madavan was at his best. He had the opportunity to be the best performer in this movie and he grabbed it rightly. One must watch and enjoy his acting rather being described in a blog.
Usually we would feel the dominance of Kamal in almost every thing that he do. But he was very subtle and Madhavan impresses a lot than any one else in this movie. It was a fun movie with a very strong message about TRUST in a Relationship.
Except that the blossom of love between Kamal and Trisha was not so clear, screen play was at its best. Many complained that screen play was wobbling in the climax scenes. I did not feel any bit of wobble in the screen play. In fact, it is really a very difficult screenplay, which was very well directed.
Songs were rightly placed and was there an only dissapointment that Kamal's Kavidhai was taken off. Screen Play sucked only at that time and Kamal had no other choice I reckon.
To me the best dialogue I have ever heard recently is when Kamal relates his War and the accident that his family and Trisha's is involved. I liked it very much. It was so simple unlike Kamal's usual philosophical/sarcastic dialogues. :P There were many sarcastic dialogus as well. Come on, his fans are never disappointed. :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
What is wrong in a Masala Movie?
It's been a long time since I wrote here. Well, whenever I come back here, blogging after a long time, it would be only for a movie review.
However, this time its not exactly a movie review, but just in general about movies. To be precise, about Masala Movies.
I have no intention to hurt anyone or offend any one's thoughts here. But I always wonder why people (read as "A class people" in terms of Cinema Industry) do not appreciate masala movies. They fail to understand that Masala Movies are one of the genres and a major revenue earning source for Indian Cinemas. I never liked Sci-Fi movies, but I dont go and watch all those movies and start cribbing about them. I simply dont watch them. I expect such a thing from these so called "Quality Audience"
I would like to introduce who these people exactly are: The ones who watch all mani ratnam movies, bala's, kamal's etc. But again, I am the one too, who watch all these guys' movies. But they are different. They watch only these people and these kinda movies. They dont give a damn about others. I know that you all understand whom am talking about.
"A" Class people get to see many non-English foreign pictures nowadays and they see a lot of English movies as well. But when they come back to see our Indian movies, they never appreciate the very local, national, commercial, typical masala movies. They fail to understand that those movies are of different genre. They may not see Al Pacino, Rober DeNiro, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Samuel L Jackson kind of actors in these movies. In fact, most of these actors have acted in few so called action movies in hollywood. Those movies would definitely fall under Masala if they were dubbed to Thamizh or any regional movies.
People fail to understand that creativity is involved in making Masala movies too. The creators need to understand the pulse of crazy fans and get the movie reel go in favour of audience.
Lots & lots of effort have been put to make these kinda movies as well. More than the efforts, belief, faith and more than anything a lot of M.O.N.E.Y is spent on these movies. The most irritating behaviour of these people is that, they talk rubbish about all these movies just because they don't like watching these movies. They fail to realise that there are people who would want to watch movies of this genre or at least, who would not complaint watching movies of this genre.
When a movie in Hollywood had nothing but simple comedy and romance in it, people praise and categorize the movie as 'Simple, light hearted movie'. Whereas, if the same was done in our regional languages, these people categorize as 'Not worth a penny', 'Waste of time' and what not? May be 'Not at all a movie'. :)
I wonder why they don't simply ignore the genres they don't like. Instead, they keep cribbing about those movies. And the worst part is, it is them who book the tickets in the very first weekend the movie is released and comment on each and every scene they watch. It would be absolutely irritating when you are in the hall and if your intention is just to while away the time by watching such movies. I would also blame these die hard fans of Masala heroes. ( I would rather not mention those names, cos they are always known to all). It is those die hard fans who do so much of hype for those movies and probably these people get irritated and start flagging against these movies. Flagging against each and every scene is some what boring you know. Some times such comments get boring than the actual movie. :P
We all know and have seen Samuel Jackson in lot of quality movies. But then, I have seen him in worst movies like Snakes on a plane. I would never forget to mention about Clive Owen's Shoot 'em up in these arguments. I have seen the best comedies like 'Hangover' and not so good comedy like 'Hot Tub Time Machine' or take ' Confessions of a shopaholic ' for an example.
People appreciate movies like American Pie, but complaint about movies like Boys. I simply don't understand why.
People must understand that an every day meal is made of all ingredients. We don't eat all sugar meal for breakfast or all spicy meal for lunch or all salty meal for dinner. We mix them all for every meal. Movies, as well, are like that. When you are in mood to watch Mani Ratnam, watch his movies. But do not forget that Sankar is not so bad either. It is just that his genre is different.
If you could appreciate Bala, dharani is second to none when it comes to pacy, action packed masala movies.
One must understand that there is someone always better than the one we think of. If someone say Balu Mahendra's July Ganapathy is good, I would say Rituparno Gosh's Raincoat was better than that. Leave alone that July ganapathy is purely a remake of an English movie. But then these people say that the movie has been inspired by the director. :)
But its just don't end here. I would say movies like Forrest Gump or Terminal are far better than Raincoat. It goes on and on.
I can compare any number of directors/movies like this on and on. But then, Too much of anything is no good. Too much of praising masala movies is not good either. :D Take this blog as a light hearted movie. :) Chill now. :D :D
However, this time its not exactly a movie review, but just in general about movies. To be precise, about Masala Movies.
I have no intention to hurt anyone or offend any one's thoughts here. But I always wonder why people (read as "A class people" in terms of Cinema Industry) do not appreciate masala movies. They fail to understand that Masala Movies are one of the genres and a major revenue earning source for Indian Cinemas. I never liked Sci-Fi movies, but I dont go and watch all those movies and start cribbing about them. I simply dont watch them. I expect such a thing from these so called "Quality Audience"
I would like to introduce who these people exactly are: The ones who watch all mani ratnam movies, bala's, kamal's etc. But again, I am the one too, who watch all these guys' movies. But they are different. They watch only these people and these kinda movies. They dont give a damn about others. I know that you all understand whom am talking about.
"A" Class people get to see many non-English foreign pictures nowadays and they see a lot of English movies as well. But when they come back to see our Indian movies, they never appreciate the very local, national, commercial, typical masala movies. They fail to understand that those movies are of different genre. They may not see Al Pacino, Rober DeNiro, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Samuel L Jackson kind of actors in these movies. In fact, most of these actors have acted in few so called action movies in hollywood. Those movies would definitely fall under Masala if they were dubbed to Thamizh or any regional movies.
People fail to understand that creativity is involved in making Masala movies too. The creators need to understand the pulse of crazy fans and get the movie reel go in favour of audience.
Lots & lots of effort have been put to make these kinda movies as well. More than the efforts, belief, faith and more than anything a lot of M.O.N.E.Y is spent on these movies. The most irritating behaviour of these people is that, they talk rubbish about all these movies just because they don't like watching these movies. They fail to realise that there are people who would want to watch movies of this genre or at least, who would not complaint watching movies of this genre.
When a movie in Hollywood had nothing but simple comedy and romance in it, people praise and categorize the movie as 'Simple, light hearted movie'. Whereas, if the same was done in our regional languages, these people categorize as 'Not worth a penny', 'Waste of time' and what not? May be 'Not at all a movie'. :)
I wonder why they don't simply ignore the genres they don't like. Instead, they keep cribbing about those movies. And the worst part is, it is them who book the tickets in the very first weekend the movie is released and comment on each and every scene they watch. It would be absolutely irritating when you are in the hall and if your intention is just to while away the time by watching such movies. I would also blame these die hard fans of Masala heroes. ( I would rather not mention those names, cos they are always known to all). It is those die hard fans who do so much of hype for those movies and probably these people get irritated and start flagging against these movies. Flagging against each and every scene is some what boring you know. Some times such comments get boring than the actual movie. :P
We all know and have seen Samuel Jackson in lot of quality movies. But then, I have seen him in worst movies like Snakes on a plane. I would never forget to mention about Clive Owen's Shoot 'em up in these arguments. I have seen the best comedies like 'Hangover' and not so good comedy like 'Hot Tub Time Machine' or take ' Confessions of a shopaholic ' for an example.
People appreciate movies like American Pie, but complaint about movies like Boys. I simply don't understand why.
People must understand that an every day meal is made of all ingredients. We don't eat all sugar meal for breakfast or all spicy meal for lunch or all salty meal for dinner. We mix them all for every meal. Movies, as well, are like that. When you are in mood to watch Mani Ratnam, watch his movies. But do not forget that Sankar is not so bad either. It is just that his genre is different.
If you could appreciate Bala, dharani is second to none when it comes to pacy, action packed masala movies.
One must understand that there is someone always better than the one we think of. If someone say Balu Mahendra's July Ganapathy is good, I would say Rituparno Gosh's Raincoat was better than that. Leave alone that July ganapathy is purely a remake of an English movie. But then these people say that the movie has been inspired by the director. :)
But its just don't end here. I would say movies like Forrest Gump or Terminal are far better than Raincoat. It goes on and on.
I can compare any number of directors/movies like this on and on. But then, Too much of anything is no good. Too much of praising masala movies is not good either. :D Take this blog as a light hearted movie. :) Chill now. :D :D
Friday, January 29, 2010

This picture was shot and uploaded by my wife's uncle in facebook. There were few poetic comments on this. Apparently they were really good. I was trying to comment on it, I was unable to do it. There were many reasons, I am not as good as those writers. May be I am not as spontaneous as others. But one thing kept my mind busy. I knew the inner thoughts of those comments and my feelings did not match. No offence meant, Every one has their rights to expose ones' opinion. Well, enough of reasoning and excuses for not writing a comment there. I thought I should write my inner thoughts about the photo. I had no other option than writing it here.
This is how I see the photograph. As a very small story...
Those eyes of children were waiting for their friends from the school. The friends come out and play in the trunks of such a big banyan tree. They play swinging, hanging and falling down from the tallest trunks. These kids who wait for their friends, play along with them. When the lunch break bell rings, those kids goes back to their classes. Those eyes would start waiting again.
One fine day, while they were waiting, the girl asked her elder brother, why should they wait for their friends and not to go inside the school. The boy who knows the situation says that they can only wait for their friends to come back, they cannot go to their friends.
There are millions of eyes waiting like this, not just to play with their friends. Also, to get back to classes with their friends.
On Pongal, Vijay TV was screening about Agaram. A small organisation started by actor Surya and his friends. They would personally help few students who could not continue their higher studies due to lack of money. Few stories of those students, made me shed some tears. But kids like in this photograph, got no help even to start their studies. Agaram helps them to continue their higher studies. But how would one go till higher studies?
This is what I thought when I saw this picture. That was totally instant. I had no other thoughts even after reading other comments which had other stronger inner thoughts.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Aayirathil Oruvan
Firstly, Before giving some credits to the director to have tried a different genre for Tamil Cinema, One must appreciate my guts to have gone to watch this movie with my family. When I say My family, that includes my wife and MY PARENTS.
Well, I have been hearing all negative reviews about the movie Aayirathil Oruvan. I have no idea why people expect something clean from Selva. Probably the promotions / teasers misled the audience to believe that the movie is a fiction, fantasy or all other genres that I hate to watch in a Hollywood movie. Probably people expected it to be like Harry Potter series or a time travelling story. Yes, Whatever the genre could be, but the movie is hand written by Selva. You just cannot get rid of his own glamorously-appealing-style. Be it a whatever-genre-movie it is.
Things one must appreciate:
1. To have thought about such a perplexed story & present it with this genre.
2. To have granted this story to our Tamil Audience.
3. Music, especially the BGM, by GVP.
4. Cinematography.
5. Parthiban's acting. I guess all these days he has been wasting his efficience.
6. For not casting his brother Dhanush. lol. Trust me, I am not kidding. Trust me again, I liked Pudhupettai. I still would rate Pudhupettai as #1 of all Selva's movies.
7. Few comedy scenes.
Things that were really bizarre:
1. Stunts were not at all professional. I dont know which decade Selva is in now. Cos, even for a 100% commercial movie, people hire professional stunt crew.
2. Could have avoided few Selva kinda scenes.
3. Could have explained the 7 dangers at least in the end.
Though the hostile comments from me are very less in numbers, few blunders were too obvious and easily noticeable. During the audio launch speech, he was irritatingly saying not to match tamizh movies with hollywoods'. Rather, he wants hollywood to match with thamizh. Dude, you must not make those blunders in stunt sequences, if you want to match with someone or someone else want to match with you. I would not say those blunders were unintentional, rather I call them careless errors.
People say he has given the pieces of many English movies. Come on, even few scenes were like Avtar. But the movie was done long before Avtar was released. Have some heart and try to appreciate movies of this genre.
People whom I know very well, would know that I would have not even cared to watch this movie if it was an English movie. Only reason I watched this movie was cos this was for Tamil Audience in tamil from Tamizh people.
Final word is, it is definitely not a bad movie. It comes under the category, can watch it once.
Well, I have been hearing all negative reviews about the movie Aayirathil Oruvan. I have no idea why people expect something clean from Selva. Probably the promotions / teasers misled the audience to believe that the movie is a fiction, fantasy or all other genres that I hate to watch in a Hollywood movie. Probably people expected it to be like Harry Potter series or a time travelling story. Yes, Whatever the genre could be, but the movie is hand written by Selva. You just cannot get rid of his own glamorously-appealing-style. Be it a whatever-genre-movie it is.
Things one must appreciate:
1. To have thought about such a perplexed story & present it with this genre.
2. To have granted this story to our Tamil Audience.
3. Music, especially the BGM, by GVP.
4. Cinematography.
5. Parthiban's acting. I guess all these days he has been wasting his efficience.
6. For not casting his brother Dhanush. lol. Trust me, I am not kidding. Trust me again, I liked Pudhupettai. I still would rate Pudhupettai as #1 of all Selva's movies.
7. Few comedy scenes.
Things that were really bizarre:
1. Stunts were not at all professional. I dont know which decade Selva is in now. Cos, even for a 100% commercial movie, people hire professional stunt crew.
2. Could have avoided few Selva kinda scenes.
3. Could have explained the 7 dangers at least in the end.
Though the hostile comments from me are very less in numbers, few blunders were too obvious and easily noticeable. During the audio launch speech, he was irritatingly saying not to match tamizh movies with hollywoods'. Rather, he wants hollywood to match with thamizh. Dude, you must not make those blunders in stunt sequences, if you want to match with someone or someone else want to match with you. I would not say those blunders were unintentional, rather I call them careless errors.
People say he has given the pieces of many English movies. Come on, even few scenes were like Avtar. But the movie was done long before Avtar was released. Have some heart and try to appreciate movies of this genre.
People whom I know very well, would know that I would have not even cared to watch this movie if it was an English movie. Only reason I watched this movie was cos this was for Tamil Audience in tamil from Tamizh people.
Final word is, it is definitely not a bad movie. It comes under the category, can watch it once.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Whats in an anonymous post?
I seriously dont understand why there is a way to post comments anonymously?
It is really suprisingly stupid to allow anonymous posts or have an option to allow anonymous posts in blogs or in any online forums.
And people who makes use of anonymous posts are the real cowards. I hate to write this here. But at least seeing this, someone would try revealing the identity when there is something sensible at all to convey.
I always hated anonymous calls, texts and letters. These online forums are no exceptions. Phew. I never thought I would write something here about this.
It is really suprisingly stupid to allow anonymous posts or have an option to allow anonymous posts in blogs or in any online forums.
And people who makes use of anonymous posts are the real cowards. I hate to write this here. But at least seeing this, someone would try revealing the identity when there is something sensible at all to convey.
I always hated anonymous calls, texts and letters. These online forums are no exceptions. Phew. I never thought I would write something here about this.
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